What Is Parent Coaching?
If you’re finding yourself in a parent rut and wondering “When does this get easier?”…
If you’re in constant conflict or overwhelm with your kids…
If you’re tired of the yelling, the bribes, the punishments and the guilt…
If you’re just wishing you had someone to talk to and a plan that felt better…
Private parent coaching might be perfect for you.
Get started today. Tell us about your family.
Becoming the parent you want to be
Raising kids can feel like the loneliest and hardest work in the world, yet we’re not meant to do this alone. Parent coaching is one-on-one support, helping you become the parent you want to be.
Together, we will dig into the messy parts of family life to uncover the underlying reasons for stress, misbehavior, lack of cooperation or disconnection. Together, we’ll discuss ways for you to find more confidence and ease in your parenting, and how to build deeper connections with your kids.
Parent coaching is for moms, dads, co-parents, step-parents, grandparents, teachers, nannies and caregivers who are looking for encouragement, tools and support to find a new way through the challenges of everyday life.
NOTE: Parent coaching is not therapy, nor am I a licensed therapist or able to diagnose any developmental or social-emotional or clinical issues for yourself or your child. However, I do have a wealth of recommendations if you need additional resources, specialists, or deeper therapeutic support, and I’ll be happy to connect you to the right folks.